Since I began to make photographs so much of the process has been about letting go and listening well.

With each new day of picture-making I am Discovering what is already floating around in my unconscious, the lens helping bring to higher resolution that which is already directing my gaze.

Through this practice I am learning to pay better attention to what I am paying attention to.

My work is, at it’s essence, about the both/and, confronting and embracing conundrums and contradictions in the world and in myself. With a camera in hand all things become reflective surface, a mirror to the soul shining back what I hope against hope to see more clearly.

- Z


A self taught artist, Zach has been working through the medium of photography for nearly a decade, having had the unique opportunity to photograph with the United Nations, Smithsonian’s Institute, Terasem Foundation and many others.

Raised in the Northwoods of Wisconsin amongst an adventurous and faithful family, Zach proved to be intuitive at an early age, discovering photography much later after years of diverse working experience, all of which have richly informed his artistic practice.

Zach Is Based In New England, located in the boston area.



Ray - “Tiger Kiss”